Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Midterm Reflection

OK, so Ryan here. Need to catch up on the blog like everyone else. So the first one to check off the list, is the midterm reflection. So the midterm was to do something in honor to the Third World Liberation Front Strike, by making up a skit, video, poetry, etc. This year marks the 40th anniversary of this memorial event.

So the CPG and Team Kamikaze teamed up and made up a skit, that relates to the current events that ethic studies are going through, budget cuts and classes are being cut. The first skit idea we came up with was cool and seems like it will send the right messages, but when we attempted to perform it……it failed. Everyone was just messing around that no one can keep a straight face. We were at least able to gain some attention, but it just didn’t turn out right. Luckily, we were given a second chance to do things right. The next day we, and along the rest of the class performed our skit in front of Malcolm X plaza. This time it went a bit more smoothly and was able to entwine it with the other group’s skit. We changed the skit up completely, we basically have individuals in our group speak out their thoughts about the current budget cuts. We felt that this is a better way to honor the TWLS. Overall this was a entertaining, and very motivation experience. It allows me to understand more how people feel when they fight for what is right. It allows me to understand more why my mother and uncle did what they did when they had to fight for Asian rights. And they are still fighting, and after this midterm i felt that it is my turn to fight for our rights.

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