Friday, December 12, 2008

P.O.P Reflection

Abby here, writing about P.O.P--

P.O.P came so quickly! It was just last week we were all preparing for P.O.P and then performing on Monday was so surrel. So from my group- Ria, Angelie, and I went to Lawrence's house on Sunday for what was supposed to be a whole run through of the show. But it turned out to be that we were the first ones there. So we chilled for a bit and waited for people. People started coming around 11 o'clock. Out of all the people form the class that raised their hands that they could make it on Sunday, it seems as though only a few of us actually made it. Since we needed most of the people from my group to actually do something productive, we didn't get much done. So it was pretty much hella chill for the three of us. It was fun seeing the dance group, and Ben and Jon practice. Lawrence told us to have confidence in ourselves as we were performing and everything would be fine. I agreed with him. But when Monday came, just being at the theater gave me butterflies! Watching the first class perform was very funny. Then when we had to perform, I was so nervous! I wasn't even on stage! But when my group and I was up, and being that I had to read off from a paper, I think my nervousness got the best of me. I couldn't read from my paper because I was behind the curtain and there was no lighting source whatsoever so I had to ask Julien if he could hold my phone up to my paper for some light and thank God he did! I didn't realize I was reading so fast. I know during the first blog, I paused for a bit because I really could not see. Overall, I think our performance went well. I know we could've done better if we all practiced before-hand but wasn't able to do so because most of the peoples in my group had class or work until 6 that day. For the whole class performance, we went over our time limit. Each class was supposed to perform for only 30 minutes, but with our class, I think we performed for over 45 minutes, or at least it felt like it. I think it's cuz we had a lot of technical difficulties, but Irene explained to us that Lawrence's laptop froze. Another thing we could've had was an MC for the class performance that could've introduced each performance so that audience wouldn't be wondering "WTF are they doing?!" haha. But other than that, I'm really proud of the whole class. Jon and ben's performance was tight! I wish someone could've recorded the class performance but sadly no one didn't. I couldn't stay for the rest of the performances for the night because I had to study for a final the next day, but I hope to see clips of it online!

Yesterday was officially our last class together. Everyone brought food. We started the class off by writing questions related to EThs 210- whatever we learned in class or futuristic questions. And it was funny! I was watching everyone and how we were all laughing, having a good time. It was sad knowing that it was our last day together. I had to leave 20 minutes early though because I had to meet with a TA from another class.. I kind of regret that. I started with everyone on the first day of class, and leaving early makes me feel like I didn't finish Eths 210 with everyone else...

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