Friday, December 5, 2008

Wrap Up Reflection

Today was pretty much our last lecture class. Though it wasn’t a lecture and more of preparing for our final which will be a performance from all the 210 classes titled P.O.P!, it was still good to see everyone so united. I remember in the beginning of the course, we were all just waiting quietly in our seats as Irene walked in late. I remember when I first saw Irene at last year’s Fil-Grad. She performed with her group, and I thought “Wow! They’ve got some talent” then to see her walk in to class was like.. is that really her?! I really wouldn’t have thought she was a teacher because she is so young! She honestly blended in with our class, the way she dressed, the way she talked, the way she understood us. Throughout the whole semester, I’m very glad we did lots of group work. Irene let us work in groups so we could all become more comfortable with each other. We all got to make up our group names and what not. One group is called “United” and through the whole semester, they really were united as a group. But personally speaking, I believe we all united together as a whole class throughout the whole semester. It got me sad reading Irene’s recent e-mail to us. She put something like “sad our days are numbered”. And it’s true, they really are. But it finally hit me that it’s the end of the semester, this is it. We’re finally preparing for our final performance. Irene always told us that she doesn’t teach like any other teachers do, but she teaches through art, performance. And after taking this class, it’s so true. This class was definitely not like my other classes. I’ve taken other AAS class before but this class really expanded onto that. I’ve learned Asian American culture through a different way of my teacher’s teaching. It wasn’t just pure lecture every class meeting. Everything that we did in and for class was fun. The food element of the course was very interesting. I haven’t done anything like that in any other classes and probably won’t have the chance to do so again! Our midterm turned out great. It really was an awesome experience for all of us. Though it wasn’t a real strike, it really felt as if we were part of one as we were chanting “On strike, we gotta shut it down!” from the outside of Burk Hall to Malcolm X. Then watching the group perform before us, and of course, my group performance. After that, I really felt proud of ourselves. People were actually stopping to watch us, and got some kind of feedback from a lady that was watching. Overall, this class was very fun and different. Not every AAS class will you have a great teacher, with some kool ass other people in the class. Not every AAS class will you learn about hip-hop or the many things we’ve learned and discussed about. Honestly, I’ve learned so much more than I thought I would’ve learned from this class. It’s sad to know that Irene may not be coming back next semester but I really do hope we can all stay in touch.. Till P.O.P!


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