Thursday, November 13, 2008

40 years later...

Hey everyone, it's Angelie. I apologize for not having my blogs up, but I finally found some time to do so. We only got about 3 weeks left until our big final and I must say we've covered a lot in this class despite only meeting 2 days out of the week. From being iron chefs to cultural guerillas, this class truly embraced the art of experience. Thanks to Irene and Lawrence for being great teachers that looked past the paper and pencil and into the heart of the matter!

40 years later...
In 1968, various student associated ethnic organizations came together to form the Third World Liberation Front to protest their rights and presents their demands. The SF State campus was shut down due to many altercations between students and police and reopened after 5 months. The longest campus strike in our nation's history resulted in the creation of a College of Ethnic Studies.

40 years later, our Ethnic Studies class commemorates the struggle through the forms of visuals, fashion, skits and poetry. As Cultural Guerillas we invaded the SFSU campus to put forth our opinions regarding the budget cut issue of today while remembering the demands fought for in '68. As the skit group, my group the CPG and Kamikaze, tried to reenact the TWLF Student Strike and include relative concerns of today. Our first attempt showed that we weren't too prepared since practically everyone smiled and laughed when we were supposed to be serious. I figured it was going to be tough without any support and seeing people pass by us with confusion. For our second attempt, we changed the whole skit completely and had people give mini speeches instead of Q&As. The outcome was a 360! Having the whole class there, going after the fashion group, and chanting "On strike, we're gonna shut it down!" helped make the performance feel more powerful and real. I honestly had chills seeing the looks on my classmates' faces and how passionate everyone was whether they were up on stage or in the crowd.

Given the news that our Ethnic Studies department was going to have to cut classes due to budget restraints made this assignment more significant. Learning about the history of different races and the stories of the people from the past is essentaial, especially when our campus has a load of diversity.

Inspiring. Empowering. Our Cultural Guerilla InvAsian was more than just a mid-term...

Props to everyone!

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