Monday, October 13, 2008

Random Blog

Hey this is Alvin, this is totally random but I got really pissed at one of my classmate/friend today. I thought this would be a good way to say something. So this started about a few weeks ago where me and my friend and I was working on an online midterm. I finished on time and was trying to help out the friend. It was due on monday and it was sunday already, she did not have much done. So I gave her a lot of pointers. And eventually I went out. So she went to another friend for help. A week later, we received our grades, where I had a 73%. She found out that she got a 83% and was really happy. I was happy too even though i didn't score as high. So that other friend scored 80% and was really pissed, and said to us in class "OK, no body ask me for anything now!" I think he was being a dick b/c hes hella trippin about this. Not only was he disrespecting my friend, but he just showed me his real ugly side which i did not see since i knew him last year. What a bitch!

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