Monday, October 20, 2008


Hey this is Alvin and this is a post of the book report of DOAT.

I notice that Chinese Americans in this story adapt to the American lifestyle. The Dim sum of all things by Kim Wong Keltner’s brings up a lot of sterotypes towards Asian Americans as well as discussing them throughout. The story is about an about twenty year old receptionist at Vegan Warrior magazine, Lindsey Owyan. Although her traditional family, Lindsey is a typical American Born Chinese who lives in San Francisco with her grandmother, Pau Pau. Lindsey do not like white guys but in the story, she eventually falls for Michael Cartier, a travel editor for the magazine. This is also fulfilling the Asian Sterotype of how Asian girls like white guys. Pau Pau, strongly disagrees with the interracial relationship ideas and tries to get Lindsey out of it. Pau Pau plays a significant role in Lindsey's life as she guides Lindsey to recognize herself and her culture during a trip.
This book authorizes several Asian American sterotypes. The story presents a lot of details of living in San Francisco, where street names where used throughout. I found this story quite typical as Asian American Sterotypes were encountered and fulfilled. After reading the story, I noticed there were more sterotypes than I expected about Asian Americans. But this is a process of Asian Americans being able to adapt and be accepted to the American society.

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