Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why i was annoyed.

Ryan is back to explain why Lindsey annoyed me to no end, but it's not like anyone going to care, read or even bother looking at what i have to say, because lots of people are narrow minded... *sigh* Now as I said before this book annoyed me most of the time I was reading it. If you read one of my group mate’s posts, she mentioned me saying how I already didn’t like Lindsey after the first few pages. She typed, “He says she is everything he is against in an Asian American Chinese girl.” I didn’t quite say that, nor was I clear on what I was trying to say. Get yourself comfortable, because my explanation might be long and boring. Also I warn you know that I might or will go off subject, but it will all relate. So it was slur of the moment and I said that Lindsey is everything I’m against. So, to make things clear, I meant that she is everything I’m against as a Chinese-American. If the person is male or female doesn’t matter. The main reason why I didn’t like Lindsey is, because we are basically the opposite. Lindsey is a typical ABC and tries to break the stereotype of a Chinese, by hiding her Chinese side and being more American. If you read the book then I don’t really have to explain or give examples of what I’m talking about. Now, I, on the other hand, try to break the stereotype of an ABC, so I try to learn more about my culture and interact with it. I practice Chinese martial arts and been helping out with Cantonese Opera during the summer. Yes, you read it right, I do Cantonese Opera. Then all at the same time balance it with the American culture. That is my point of a view of what a Chinese-American/ Asian American should be. We Asian-American are the bridge between our Asian culture and the American culture. We are the ones who suppose to teach the Americans about our people and try to get rid of or at least lighten up the stereotypes.

Anyways, so like Lindsey, I too am a second generation ABC. Now homeland Chinese who now live in America, already look down on us ABCs, they believe that first generation ABCs will have no knowledge of their culture or at least some. So as a second generation, they think we have absolute no knowledge or any interest in learning our culture and are fully Americanized. So I want to prove to them that I do know my culture. I try to be accepted not only with the Americans, but with my own people. Besides trying to figure out which side you fit in with, create your own identity, one where you can be balance with both cultures. Asian Americans problem is usually trying to figure out where they fit in with, if they fit in with their Asian side or their American side. The only problem about this is that people usually become more American then Asian, and not trying to balance it out.

OK I think that’s enough of me blabbering away. It’s not like anyone going to understand or care of what I just typed. So……eh *shrugs*

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